Small Business Showcase / ZipRecruiter

4 out of 5 employers who post a job on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day.

The DUNS number is used to identify a business registered with ZipRecruiter. The listing of companies with another credit bureau, such as Experian, will not be found on the D&B database since the credit bureaus each maintain unique databases and do not share data with one another.

Screening Questions

Save time and see only the most qualified candidates by adding screening questions to your job post.


Hire on the go! Your job looks great on our #1 rated job search app1. Plus, you can review your candidates and more — from anywhere!

Premium Customer Support

Need assistance? Call, email, or chat live with a real person who’s happy to help you get the most out of ZipRecruiter.


With over 900 stores and 43,000 employees, Hobby Lobby is the largest privately owned arts-and-crafts retailer in the world. On a mission to help people live creatively, the company offers more than 70,000 products ranging from home decor to crafts, to seasonal pieces, and more.


Hobby Lobby is rapidly expanding. Hiring a minimum of 300 store leaders a year, they need a recruitment solution that delivers on volume. In fact, Marlin Gayfield, Assistant Director of Management Recruiting says, “We aren’t just opening one or two new stores a year, we’re opening 50. And to do that efficiently, we need hundreds of qualified applicants all over the country.” However, despite using several different recruitment tools, they struggled to attract enough applicants—especially in hard-to-hire regions with low brand recognition.


Hobby Lobby turned to ZipRecruiter to increase their applicant pool and brand exposure. ZipRecruiter’s powerful AI matched them with thousands of qualified candidates they were previously missing out on. Their dedicated ZipRecruiter team helped analyze monthly data and adjust their strategies to drive more traffic in hard-to-hire regions. They also utilized ZipRecruiter’s Resume Database to proactively reach out to candidates during store openings and busier holiday seasons.


Relying on ZipRecruiter as one of their primary recruitment tools, Hobby Lobby successfully opened and staffed 50 new stores across the nation. They saw a significant boost in employer brand awareness and sourced hundreds of qualified candidates monthly.

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